Page:Charles Sedelmayer - Catalog of 100 paintings - illustratedcata04gallgoog.djvu/32

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MIEREVELT (Michiel Jansz)


22. — Portrait of William of Nassau, Prince of Orange

(Surnamed « The Silent » for his singular discretion and reticence. Founder, and First Sladholder of the Dutch Republic ; born at the Chateau of Dillenburg in Nassau, in 1533 ; assassinated at Delft in July 084).

Standing slightly to right, his left hand resting on the edge of a table covered with a red doth, his right hand in the pocket of his coat, lie is dressed in his robes of office with a small ruff and a black skull-cap. Full-length figure. Life-size.

Canvas, 78 in. by 47 in.

From the Collection of Sir Julian (ioldsmid, Hart.. London, 1896.