Page:Charles Sedelmayer - Catalog of 100 paintings - illustratedcata04gallgoog.djvu/348

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RUYSDAEL (Salomon van)

( ? - 1670)

40. — River- Scene

A wide river extending- over the whole of the foreground. On the left, a sailing-boat with a small boat in tow. On the opposite side, a rowing-boat containing seven people. In the middle distance, six cows on a neck of land. Beyond, the steeple of a church, windmills, and other buildings. Signed. Panel,14 14in. by2.31/2in. From the Collection of T. Humphry Ward, Esq., London.

RUYSDAEL (Salomon van)

( ? - l67°)

41. — River-Scene

A wide river with the outskirts of a town on the bank to the right; a man and a boy are approaching the wooden gate of the town, in which a man is standing. Near the bank, three rowing-boats and a number of ducks around them. Numerous sailing vessels are seen in the distance.

Silt ned : S. v. Kuysdacl, i 663 . Panel, it> 12in. by 253,4in.