Page:Charles Sedelmayer - Catalog of 100 paintings - illustratedcata04gallgoog.djvu/40

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(1622-1 6~A i

29. — The Ferry-Boat

Described in Smith's Catalogue (part vi, p. 2flf>. n" 71 as follows : «A view on a river, under the aspect of sunset. The right is composed of a lofty hill, with a river (lowing at its base, on which a ferry-boat containing several passengers, some of whom are entertained by the obstinacy of an ass which, while endeavouring to escape from his master, has nearly dragged him into the river : this event has alarmed a gentleman on the right, who seems eager to escape from the threatened danger. »

Engraved by (lodefroy in the « Lebrun Gallery ».

Exhibited at the Koval Academy, London, 18H2. v Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne », part vi. p. 200, n" 7. Dr. W'aagen's « Art Treasures in Great Britain ». vol. iv. p. 29a. From the Collection of Chevalier Lambert, 17117. M. Goll van Frankenstein, i 833 . A. Walter. Esq., Bearwood.


30. Venus and Cupid

The goddess, seen in a front view, stands, resting her right arm on the base of a column, and holding an arrow in her hand. She looks down on Cupid, who, standing by her side, receives her instructions. A reddish drapery and a black mantle are round her body, leaving her bust and legs uncovered. Full-length figures, less than life-size.

Signed : A. Fijnacker.

Canvas, 2s in. by 20 in.

( anvas, 5fl in. by in.