Page:Charles von Hügel (1903 memoir).djvu/119

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and portraits, from the countries which he had visited. In the exhibition of miniatures, at present [1901] the admiration of visitors to the Royal Library, there are valuable objects from Hügel's Collection. (Wiesner.)

Professor Dr Julius Wiesner has kindly sent me the above-mentioned list, from which I gather that my father’s donations to the Library of the Hofburg are to be found under the following numbers: 7, 74—79, 81—107, 109—121, 129, 237, 238, 322, 334, 343, 390, 395, 498, 499, 502, 507, 526, 528, 534, 537—546, 579, 625, 650—653, 657, 671—677, 681—691, 716, 778 (1—56), 812—824, 877, 879. (A. v. H.)

16. (See p. 26.) In 1845 Hügel's great work on Cashmere was translated, in an abridged form, into English, by Major T. B. Jervis, F.R.S., and published, as appears on the title page, "under the patronage of the Honourable the Court of Directors of the East India Company." The translator speaks of the great respect with which Hügel was regarded in England as a writer on geographical questions. (Wiesner.)

A review of Kaschmir will be found in the Royal Geographical Society’s Journal Vol. 10, p. 562. (A. v. H.)

17. (See p. 27.) Numerous species of animals and plants, most of them discovered by Hügel, were named after him; and some new genera of plants were dedicated to him by prominent botanists. Thus Reichenbach, in 1828, named a genus of umbelliferoua plants after him, and George Bentham in 1830, a polemonium genus; but as, in botanical nomenclature, each genus has to be distinguished by an individual name, the last of these two Hügelia genera—with which the genus now called Gilia nearly

coincides—could not stand. For similar reasons also, the genus Hügelia created in 1840, by Robert Brown, has had to find its place among synonyms. (Wiesner.)

18. (See pp. 30, 46.) Extract from the Preface to Hügel’s Der Stille Ocean written at Florence, November 4, 1858: "Das langsame Voranschreiten eines Werkes[1], dessen Herausgabe von so vielen vereinten Kräften abhängig gemacht war, und welches dennoch nur einen kleinen Theil des grossen Ganzen meiner Reise betraf, hatte mich bewogen, den ursprünglichen Plan für die Herausgabe meiner sämmtlichen Wanderungen durch die Welt aufzugeben, und ich war eben damit beschäftigt, eine einfachere Form dafür zu wählen, als die Ereignisse des Jahres 1848 meinem Leben eine andere Richtung gaben.

"Der Augenblick schien mir in der That damals zu ernst, um zu erlauben, dass sich irgend eine geistige Befähigung oder körperliche

  1. Kaschmir, the first volume of which appeared in 1840, and the fourth and last in December 1844. A. v. H.