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Grand Turenne dans sa jeunesse to Le Comte de Dunois dans sa jeunesse. In the table on p. 288 the names of some nine French etchers have been added. In other respects the volume stands as in former editions.

Many readers have written thanking me for the advice given in this volume in regard to collecting with profit. It will be remembered that I strongly advocated the speedy collection of line engravings of the French school of Nanteuil and Edelinck, and I quoted prices at which very fair examples could be obtained by the zealous collector. Happily those who followed these hints have greatly benefited by so doing. It was my opinion then in regard to the low prices obtaining for this school, "that such a state of things cannot last much longer." Speedy confirmation of this statement was afterwards shown in the prices realised at the sale of the collection of Sir Wilfrid Lawson. In all cases values increased tenfold, and in some instances what shillings could previously have bought pounds were paid under the hammer at this sale. Philippe de Champagne, one of Edelinck's best prints, could be procured in London for anything from 25s. to £5—an impression of the first state of this, in remarkable condition, caused Messrs. Colnaghi to give £53 for it at the Lawson sale.

It is worthy, too, of record that I have received letters from readers into whose hands this volume has accidentally fallen, thanking me for introducing a new pleasure to them. They have begun the study of old prints and have become enthusiastic collectors.

That this volume has received so warm a welcome is very gratifying to me, and it is especially so in the knowledge that those who are already collectors have found my work of practical use, and that its perusal has awakened the love for the work of the old engravers in the hearts of those who never realised the possibilities of the subject.


June, 1909.