Page:Chats on old prints (IA chatsonoldprints00haydiala).pdf/456

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Schöngauer, Martin, 63

Seghers, etchings by, 71

Selous, H. C., 279

Senefelder, Alois, inventor of lithography, 273, 274

Sharp, William, 179

Sherwin, John Keyse, 179

—— William, 147

Short, Mr. Frank, etchings by, 75

Siegen, Ludwig von, inventor of mezzotint, 239

Simon, Pierre, 156

Smith, John, 241, 243

—— John Raphael, 245

Soft-ground etching described, 62

Sporting prints, 266, 267

States, the advisability of beginner neglecting, 47 —— artist's proofs, commercialism in, 215 —— over consideration of, 160-163 Steel engravers, list of leading, 212, 213 —— engraving, enlargement of a, 39 —— the excellence of, 207, 208 —— how to identify a, 39 —— how to identify as compared with copper, 208 —— its first use in 1820, 205 —— its weakness in mezzotint, 208 —— 19th century, 205-215 —— engravings, after Turner, 219-234

—— list of books with, after Turner, 233, 234

Steel-facing, 215

Steel-plate, number of prints from, 250

Stipple engravers, list of, 293, 294

—— engraving, 187-201

—— engravings, enlargements of, 39

—— list of, 199-201

Strange, Sir Robert, 176, 177

Swinburne quoted, 99


Technique (of aquatint), 255-257 —— (etching), 59-62 —— (line engraving), 137-139 —— (of lithography), 273-276 —— (mezzotint), 237-239 —— (of stipple engraving), 187, 188 —— (wood engraving), 79, 80 Training the eye, hints to the beginner, 45 Turner as an etcher, 247 —— as a mezzotinter, 248 —— engravings in aquatint after, 259, 260 —— large prints after, list of, 228 —— line engravers after, list of, 292 —— list of prints from, 233, 234 —— list of series of mezzotints after, 247, 248 —— mezzotint engravers after, list of, 297 —— pictures of, showing his artistic phases, 221 —— the line engravers after, 219-234 —— the series of engravings under his supervision, 221-226 —— the views of Ruskin and Hamerton concerning, 229, 230 U Uhlrich, enlargement of wood engraving by, 39 V Vandyck as an etcher, 68 —— his work in England, 145, 146 —— school of engravers after, 142 Verboom, etchings by, 71 Vertue, George, 148, 149 Victorian facsimile wood engravers, list of principal, with details of their work, 111-115

Vorsterman, Lucas, 143