Page:Chaucer - Complete works (Skeat Volume 3).djvu/165

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The Prologue to this Poem exists in two different versions, which differ widely from each other in many passages. The arrangement of the material is also different.

For the sake of clearness, the earlier version is here called 'Text A,' and The later version 'Text B.'

'Text A' exists in one MS. only, but this MS. is of early date and much importance. It is the MS. marked Gg. 4. 27 in the Cambridge University Library', and is here denoted by the letter 'C'. It is the same MS. as that denoted by the abbreviation 'Cm.' in the footnotes to the Canterbury Tales and Troilus and Criseyde. This text is printed in the upper part of the following pages. The footnotes give the MS. spellings, where these are amended in the text.

'Text B' occupies the lower part of the following pages. It follows the Fairfax MS. mainly, which is denoted by 'F.' In many places, the inferior spellings of this MS. are relegated to the footnotes, amended spellings being given in the text. Various readings are given from Tn. (Tanner MS. 346) ; T. (Trinity MS., R. 3. 19) ; A. (Arch. Seld. B. 24 in the Bodleian Library) ; Th. (Thynne's Edition, 1532) ; B. (Bodley MS. 638) ; P. (Pepys MS. 2006) ; and sometimes from C. (already mentioned) or Add. (Addit. 9832).

Lines which occur in one text only are marked (in either text) by a prefixed asterisk. Lines marked with a dagger (†) stand just the same in both texts. The blank space after A 60 (p. 70) shews that there is nothing in Text A corresponding to B 69-72. Where the corresponding matter is transposed to another place, one or other text has a portion printed in smaller type.

The prologe of .ix. goode Wimmen.

A thousand sythes[A 1] have I herd men telle,
That ther[A 2] is Ioye in heven,[A 2] and peyne in helle;

The prologe of .ix. goode Wimmen.

A thousand tymes have I herd men telle,[B 1]
That[B 2] ther is Ioye in heven, and peyne in helle;


  1. thousent sythis.
  2. 2.0 2.1 there ; heuene.


  1. T. C. A. have I herd; rest I have herd. F. B. P. om. men ; the rest have it.
  2. F. B. (only) om. That.