Page:Chaucer - Complete works (Skeat Volume 3).djvu/167

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PROLOGUE. A. 3-34 B. 3-34.
And to the doctrine of these olde wyse,
Yeven credence, in every skilful wyse, 20
And trowen on these olde aproved stories
Of holinesse, of regnes, of victories,
Of love, of hate, of other sundry thinges,
Of whiche I may not maken rehersinges.
And if that olde bokes were a-weye, 25
Y-loren were of remembraunce the keye.
Wei oghte us than on olde bokes leve,
Ther-as ther is non other assay by preve.
And, as for me, though that my wit be lyte,
On bokes for to rede I me delyte, 30
And in myn herte have hem in reverence;
And to hem yeve swich lust and swich credence.
That ther is wel unethe game noon
That from my bokes make me to goon

And to the doctrine of these olde wyse,
Yeve[B 1] credence, in every skilful wyse, 20
That tellen of these olde appreved stories,
Of holinesse, or regnes, of victories,
Of love, of hate, of other sundry[B 2] thinges,
Of whiche I may not maken rehersinges.
And if that olde bokes were a-weye,[B 3] 25
Y-loren[B 4] were of remembraunce the keye.[B 4]
Wel oghte[B 5] us than[B 5] honouren and beleve
These bokes, ther[B 6] we han non[B 6] other preve.
And as for me, thogh[B 7] that I can but lyte,
On bokes for to rede I me delyte, 30
And to hem yeve[B 8] I feyth and ful credence,
And in myn herte have hem in reverence
So hertely,[B 9] that ther is game noon
That fro my bokes maketh me to goon,

[1] [B 10] [B 11] [B 12] [B 13] [B 14]



  1. C. Yeuyn (for Yeve.
  2. F. sondry.
  3. F. awey; C. Tn. A. aweye.
  4. 4.0 4.1 F. Y-lorne; C. I-loryn; P. I-lore. F. key; C. Tn. A. keye.
  5. 5.0 5.1 F. ought; thanne.
  6. 6.0 6.1 F. there; noon.
  7. F. though. A. Th. P. can; T. con; F. Tn. konne.
  8. F. yiue; rest yeue.
  9. F. hertly; Tn, Th. B. hertely; T. hertyly; A. hertfully.
  10. 8. F. seyde.
  11. 13. F. -selfe; dooth.
  12. 14. F. sooth.
  13. 16. F. monke; all.
  14. 18. F. ben.
  1. T.A. om.