Page:Chaucer - Complete works (Skeat Volume 4).djvu/471

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T. 9325-9360.]
And for they sholde lecherye eschue,
And yelde hir dettes whan that they ben due;
Or for that ech of hem sholde helpen other
 (210)In meschief, as a suster shal the brother;
 1455And live in chastitee ful holily.
But sires, by your leve, that am nat I.
For god be thanked, I dar make avaunt,
I fele my limes stark and suffisaunt
To do al that a man bilongeth to;
 1460I woot my-selven best what I may do.
Though I be hoor, I fare as dooth a tree
That blosmeth er that fruyt y-woxen be;
A blosmy tree nis neither drye ne deed.
 (220)I fele me nowher hoor but on myn heed;
 1465Myn herte and alle my limes been as grene
As laurer thurgh the yeer is for to sene.
And sin that ye han herd al myn entente,
I prey yow to my wil ye wole assente.'

Diverse men diversely him tolde
 1470Of mariage manye ensamples olde.
Somme blamed it, somme preysed it, certeyn;
But atte laste, shortly for to seyn,
As al day falleth altercacioun
 (230)Bitwixen freendes in disputisoun,
 1475Ther fil a stryf bitwixe his bretheren two,
Of whiche that oon was cleped Placebo,
Iustinus soothly called was that other.

Placebo seyde, 'o Ianuarie, brother,
Ful litel nede had ye, my lord so dere,
 1480Conseil to axe of any that is here;
But that ye been so ful of sapience,
That yow ne lyketh, for your heighe prudence,
To weyven fro the word of Salomon.
 (240)This word seyde he un-to us everichon:
 1485"Wirk alle thing by conseil," thus seyde he,
"And thanne shaltow nat repente thee."