Page:Cheery and the chum (IA cheerychum00yate).pdf/42

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named the white faced one Daisy, and the one that was nearly all black, Topsey, and the one with one white ear and one black ear, was Goody Two Ears. "It's just as good a name as Goody Two Shoes," protested Cheery, stoutly, when they laughed at the name; "and she's got two ears, hasn't she?" which certainly settled the matter.

Mr. Cann put up a great big swing in the barn. It was fastened to a beam very high up, so that when the two wide doors at the back of the barn were thrown open, the children could swing away out through the doorway and far over the creek; and they could see the men at work in the hay, beyond the potato and corn fields.

The corn field was a delight; for, growing all among the corn, were corn-flowers such as grow in city people's gardens and are called bachelor's buttons; and they were blue—all shades of blue—and pink and purple and white, and they had splendidly long stems. Cheery always picked