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nor compt of his lif that sewis noght diligence quhilk awaykynis all other vertues Quhat avalis or quhat is ane man worth that musis and lyis in slogardy that will haue ane soft bed Ane full wame remanyng at eas and pas the tyme day be day / and wolk be wolke and re kis not nor takis na compt how all thing pas / quhat be wonnyn or quhat be tynt And will haue men befor hym bair heid kneland and saynge that he is ane nobill quhilk is gret merual quhair his awne dedis schewis ye contrair / bot quha that is a nobill he leris quhair of ser uis diligence that awaiknis all othir vertuis O nobill man the wyne graip rottis and deis gif it ly at the erd vndir the leif the micheif and fall awise and consulis a man / and diligence that awaiknis all vertues in trauail makis of ane rud and vnnurist man. Ane man cun ning pert and weill manerit.

The ix. vertu in nobill man is clenelynes.

The hert set in nobilnes and desirand hie honour sulde despise all filth and vnhonesti for he despri sis his nobilnes that takis keip and tent to othir menis guyding / and kepis noght hym selue clene / he than sulde nothir say nor do thing that war to discomende nor that myght empair or skaith ane othir man nor yt myt mynise his awne lose and honour gif he avisit thoght and lukit weill to hym selue yt takis tent & keip to all othir men / foul speking and mekill myssaing or flityng or ane vnho nest deuise to the man that is sene and behaldyn be mo-