Page:Chertkov - Christian Martyrdom.djvu/39

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gospel should be accomplished in ourselves. Thus Christ must in us be begotten, born, grow up, teach, suffer, die, revive and ascend; and it is thus that they understand the process of the new birth, or renovation of man. They say that Jesus Himself was and is the Gospel eternal and living, and has sent it forth, preached in the Word. He Himself is the Word, and can be written only on our hearts.

5. They believe that, except through God and His Christ, there is no salvation; but if God is invoked without a pure heart, He Himself cannot save man.

6. For the salvation of man, indubitable faith in Christ is necessary; but faith without works is dead, as also are works without faith. The only living faith is the hearty acceptance of the gospel.

7. Concerning baptism, they say that they are baptized into the Word through the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as Christ taught the apostles, saying: Go forth and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This baptism takes place when a man repents with a pure and willing heart, and calls upon God, and then his sins are remitted, and he turns to God, and not to the world. This is the only baptism for the remission of sins which they profess.

The new birth and baptism, according to their