Page:Chesterton - The Club of Queer Trades.djvu/130

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The Club of Queer Trades

Bill.' It was at that moment that I remembered most clearly that I was the Vicar of Chuntsey, in Essex.

"My desperate coup saved me. The policeman had me hard by the back of the neck.

"You come along with me," he began, but Bill cut in with his perfect imitation of a lady's finnicking voice.

"'Oh, pray, constable, don't make a disturbance with our poor friend. We will get her quietly home. She does drink too much, but she is quite a lady—only eccentric.'

"'She butted me in the stomach,' said the policeman, briefly.

"'Eccentricities of genius,' said Sam, earnestly.

"'Pray let me take her home,' reiterated Bill, in the resumed character of Miss James, 'she wants looking after.'

"'She does,' said the policeman, 'but I'll look after her.'

"'That's no good,' cried Bill, feverishly. 'She wants her friends. She wants a particular medicine we've got.'

"'Yes, assented Miss Mowbray, with ex-