Page:Chesterton - The Club of Queer Trades.djvu/62

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The Club of Queer Trades

The agent of Romance and Adventure handed his card, laughing.

It ran, "P. G. Northover, B.A., C.Q.T., Adventure and Romance Agency, 14 Tanner's Court, Fleet Street."

"What on earth is 'C.Q.T.?'" asked Rupert Grant, looking over the major's shoulder.

"Don't you know?" returned Northover. "Haven't you ever heard of the Club of Queer Trades?"

"There seems to be a confounded lot of funny things we haven't heard of," said the little major, reflectively. "What's this one?"

"The Club of Queer Trades is a society consisting exclusively of people who have invented some new and curious way of making money. I was one of the earliest members."

"You deserve to be," said Basil, taking up his great white hat with a smile, and speaking for the last time that evening.

When they had passed out the Adventure and Romance agent wore a queer smile as he trod down the fire and locked his desk up.