Page:Chesterton - The Club of Queer Trades.djvu/86

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The Club of Queer Trades

"I am distressed beyond expression, Beaumont," he said, gruffly, "to fail in respect to these gentlemen, and even more especially to fail in it in your house. But it is not you or they that are in any way concerned, but that flashy, half-caste jackanapes—"

At this moment a young man with a twist of red mustache and a sombre air came out of the inner room. He also did not seem to be greatly enjoying the intellectual banquet within.

"I think you remember my friend and secretary, Mr. Drummond," said Lord Beaumont turning to Grant, "even if you only remember him as a school-boy."

"Perfectly," said the other. Mr. Drummond shook hands pleasantly and respectfully, but the cloud was still on his brow. Turning to Sir Walter Cholmondeliegh, he said:

"I was sent by Lady Beaumont to express her hope that you were not going yet, Sir Walter. She says she has scarcely seen anything of you."

The old gentleman, still red in the face,