Page:Chicago Race Riots (Sandburg, 1919).djvu/53

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9. More playgrounds and recreational centers on the south side.

10. A beautiful branch library in the center of the colored district.

As a corollary are presented these "things that colored citizens owe Chicago":

1. Better care of premises occupied by them, either as tenants or as landlords.

2. Formation of improvement clubs for the beautification of the neighborhoods in which they may live.

3. Practice of thrift and economy in the spending of income.

4. Keeping the expenditures within the income.

5. The buying of beautiful, sanitary homes.

6. Spending less money for amusements and expensive clothing.

7. Checkmating of the real estate broker who makes it his business to capitalize race prejudice in his dealings.

8. Reduction of the lodger evil.

9. Ending of the practice of taking on real estate obligations beyond the purchaser's means.

10. A continual demand for all the civic benefits that a beautiful and progressive city like Chicago can confer upon its citizens.