Page:Chicago Race Riots (Sandburg, 1919).djvu/59

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workers guaranteed by the constitution and supplanted oppression and discord by propagating race hatred, discrimination and class distinction, and

"Whereas, the credulous common people (white and black) have been the maltreated tools of these financial master mechanics, and their fallacious teachings have kept us divided and made their throne more secure, and

"Whereas, the power of the united front and concerted action of all toilers is the only medium through which industrial and political democracy can be obtained, wage slavery and unjust legislation destroyed, and

"Whereas, the executive board of the American Federation of Labor on April 22, 19 18, in Washington, D. C, was met by a committee of recognized race leaders, and adopted plans thoroughly to organize the colored workers in industry, putting them on the some economic level with other races; therefore, be it

"Resolved, that we appeal to the conscientious race leaders. Intellectuals and other God fearing men of influence, who believe in human rights, justice and fair play and are desirous of conveying light and plenty where darkness and want predominate, to assist the 60,000 colored members of the American Federation of Labor in fostering and encouraging members of our race to affiliate with the bona fide labor movement, to the end that we will have a larger representation in this Industrial army, which will exemplify to the white progressives, as well as autocrats, that we are 'straws in the new broom of reconstruction, that will sweep clean American Institutions, ridding them of discrimination and corruption.' "

With the official union seals were the signatures of George A. Swan, president; Hugh Swift, vice president, and R. E. Copeland, secretary of the Musicians' Protec-