Page:Chicago manual of style 1911.djvu/130

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Proper Names, etc.

Proper names, foreign words, and figures should, in handwritten manuscript, be written with the utmost care and distinctness.

Title-Pages, etc.

Copy for title-pages, prefaces, tables of contents, etc., should be submitted with the manuscript. Copy for indexes should be compiled from the special set of page-proofs furnished for this purpose, and promptly delivered to the printers. Unnecessary delay is often caused by postponing these details till the last minute.

Reading of Proofs

Read and return your proofs promptly.

In marking proof-sheets, use the standard proofreaders' marks (see p. 123). Do not adopt a system of your own, which, however plain it may seem to you, is liable to appear less so to the compositor.

Be careful to answer all queries in the proofs. Delays and errors often result from not attending to them.

Remember that changes in the type cost money. The omission or addition of a word in the middle of a paragraph may necessitate resetting the whole of this from that point on; and if such alteration is made in the page-proof, it may further involve repaging the entire article or chapter. Make your manuscript as perfect as possible before delivering it to the printer. Any necessary alterations should be made in the galley-proof, as each succeed-