Page:Chicago manual of style 1911.djvu/24

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But do not capitalize such general, paraphrastic, or incomplete designations as—

the national assembly, the legislature of the state, the upper house of Congress, the German federal parliament, the Dutch diet; the council, the department, the board.

13 Ordinals used to designate Egyptian dynasties, sessions of Congress, names of regiments, and in similar connections (see 100):

the Eighteenth Dynasty, the Fifty- third Congress, the Second Illinois Regiment Band.

14 Commonly accepted appellations for historical epochs, periods in the history of a language or literature, and geological ages and strata, the word "age" itself being capitalized only where a failure to do so would result in ambiguous meaning:

Stone age (but: Middle Ages), Crusades, Renaissance, Reformation, Inquisition, Commonwealth (Cromwell's), Commune (Paris); Old English (OE—see 123), Middle High German (MHG), the Age of Elizabeth; Pleistocene, Silurian, Lower Carboniferous.

15 Names for important events:

Thirty Years' War, Peasants' War (German), Revolution (French), Revolutionary War or War of Independence (American), Whiskey Insurrection (American), Civil War (American), War of 1812, Franco-Prussian War, Battle of Gettysburg; Peace of Utrecht, Louisiana Purchase.

16 Political alliances, and such terms from secular or ecclesiastical history as have, through their associa-