Page:China's national defense in the new era.pdf/39

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Audit Office Mainly responsible for audit, supervision as well as organizing and guiding the audit of the armed forces
Agency for Offices Administration Mainly responsible for serving and supporting the CMC's functional organs

Table 2 Breakdown of China’s Defense Expenditure (2010-2017)
(in RMB billion yuan)
Year / Item Personnel Expense Training and Sustainment Expense Equipment Expense Total
Amount Percentage
Amount Percentage
Amount Percentage
2010 185.931 34.9 170.047 31.9 177.359 33.2 533.337
2011 206.506 34.3 189.943 31.5 206.342 34.2 602.791
2012 195.572 29.2 232.994 34.8 240.626 36.0 669.192
2013 200.231 27.0 269.971 36.4 270.860 36.6 741.062
2014 237.234 28.6 267.982 32.3 323.738 39.1 828.954
2015 281.863 31.0 261.538 28.8 365.383 40.2 908.784
2016 306.001 31.3 266.994 27.4 403.589 41.3 976.584
2017 321.052 30.8 293.350 28.1 428.835 41.1 1043.237
Sources: Data on China's defense expenditure submitted to the UN by the Chinese government

Table 3 China’s Defense Expenditure Since 2012
Year GDP
(RMB billion)
Total Defense Expenditure
(RMB billion)
(Previous Year = 100)
Growth Rate of Government Expenditure
Growth Rate of Defense Expenditure
Defense Expenditure to GDP
Defense Expenditure to Government Expenditure
Real Defense Expenditure Growth Rate (Inflation-adjusted)
2012 54036.74 669.192 102.6 15.29 11.02 1.24 5.31 8.42
2013 59524.44 741.062 102.6 11.32 10.74 1.24 5.29 8.14
2014 64397.4 828.954 102.0 8.25 11.86 1.29 5.46 9.86
2015 68905.21 908.784 101.4 15.87 9.63 1.32 5.17 8.23
2016 74358.55 976.584 102.0 6.75 7.46 1.31 5.20 5.46
2017 82712.17 1043.237 101.6 8.17 6.83 1.26 5.14 5.23