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Convention of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Against Terrorism Jun. 2009 Jan. 2012 Signed in Jun. 2009, ratified in Dec. 2014
Agreement on Cooperation in Combating Illicit Trafficking in Arms, Ammunition and Explosives between the Governments of the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Aug. 2008 May 2010 Approved by the State Council in May 2012, instrument of approval deposited in Jul. 2012, effective in China
Agreement on the Procedure for Organizing and Conducting Joint Anti-Terrorism Exercise within Territories of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Aug. 2008 Nov. 2013 Approved in Jun. 2013, effective in China since Nov. 2013
Cooperation Agreement in the Sphere of Identifying and Cutting off the Channels Used by the Individuals Involved in Terrorist, Separatist and Extremist Activities to Enter the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Member States Jun. 2006 Nov. 2008 Approved by the State Council in May 2012, instrument of approval deposited in Jul. 2012, effective in China

Table 6 Major Joint Exercises and Training by the PLA and the PAP with Foreign Counterparts Since 2012
No. States/ Organizations Codename Location and Time
1 Belarus United Shield-2017 Joint Anti-Terrorism Training Held in Minsk, Belarus in Jul. 2017
2 Germany Joint Rescue-2016 Joint Medical Exercise Held in Chongqing, China in 2016
3 India Hand in Hand Anti-Terrorism Joint Training Held in Sichuan, China in Nov. 2013; in Maharashtra, India in Nov. 2014; in Yunnan, China in Oct. 2015; in Maharashtra, India in Nov. 2016; in Sichuan, China in Dec. 2018
4 Malaysia Peace and Friendship Joint Military Exercises Tabletop exercise held in Malaysia in Dec. 2014; in Malaysia in Sept. 2015; in Malaysia in Nov. 2016
5 Pakistan Friendship Joint Anti-Terrorism Training Held in Ningxia, China in Dec. 2015; at National Counter Terrorism Center Pabbi, Pakistan in Oct. 2016
Eagle/Shaheen Joint Training A total of 6 training sessions held in China and Pakistan from 2013 to 2018
6 Russia Joint Sea Exercises Held in the Yellow Sea waters near Qingdao in Apr. 2012; in Peter the Great Gulf in Jul. 2013; in the north maritime and air space of the East China Sea to the east of Yangtze River Estuary in May 2014; in the east of the maritime and air space of the Mediterranean in May 2015; in Peter the Great Gulf, off the coast of Vladivostok, and the maritime and air space of Sea of Japan in Aug. 2015; in Zhanjiang and the east of the maritime and air space of Zhanjiang in Sep. 2016; in the Baltiysk, St. Petersburg and southeast Baltic Sea in Jul. 2017; in Vladivostok and the designated area between Peter the Great Gulf and the south Okhotsk Sea in Sep. 2017