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Abkhai, 18, 20; death of, 19
Aisin Gioro, 118
Akutêng, 4; death of, 6
Alabaster, Mr, 93
Albazin, 42
Amherst, Lord, 66
Amiot, Père, 42
Amoy, 42; taken, 77
Amur, River, 17; as boundary, 42
Amursana, 55
Ancestral worship, 44
An-chʽing, 86
Andijani, 100
Anglo-French expedition, 93; the second, 94
Annam, 58
Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius, 33
Arabtan, 43
Archery, 37
"Arrow" case, the, 92
Artillery, 17
Assemblies, national and provincial, 122
Athalik Ghazi, 100
Audience, the first, 103

Badakshan, 43
Bannermen, 37
Banzai, 15
Baschpa, 11
Baturu, 88
"Blood thicker than water," 95
Bogue Forts taken, 77
Bokhara, Ameer of, 100
Boxers, the, 115
British fleet arrives, 76
"Brother of Christ," the, 82
Burgevine, 89
Burlingame mission, the, 102
Burma, 32, 56
"Button," the, 29

Cagliostro, 66
Calendar, the, 43; European adopted, 129
Camoens, 73
Cantlie, Dr, 124
Canton, riot at, 75; foreign houses burnt at, 93; captured, 93
Cantonese serve on British men-of-war, 78
Catalogue of Imperial Library, 59
Catholic missionaries, 33; rank accorded to, 114
Census, the, 48
Chapu taken, 77
Chi Hsiang, 98
Chia Ching, 61
Chia Chʽing, 61; attacked in streets of Peking, 64; died, 68