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France, and Tongking, 109
Franciscans, 45

Galdan, 43
Galdan II., 55
Gao-tchan, 57
Genghis Khan, 7
German priests murdered, 111
Ginseng, 19
Gioros, 118
God, the term for, 46
Golden Dragon, the, 70
Golden dynasty, 5
Gordon, Major, 89; resigns, 90; resumes command, 90
Grand Canal, the, 47
Great Mogul, 33
Great Wall, the, 17
Gros, Baron, 93
Gurkhas, 58

Han-lin College, presents address, 30
Hangchow, 6, 31, 47
Harashar, 57
Hassan, prince, 104
Heaven and Earth Society, 65
Heavenly city, the, 84
Heavenly dynasty, the, 83
Heavenly king, the, 83; death of, 91
Heilungchiang, 8
Hingking, 10
Hongkong, ceded, 77
Hoppo, the, 119
Hsi Tsung, 14
Hsien Fêng, 80, 81; death of, 96
Hsiung-nu, 11
Hsü Ching-chʽêng, executed, 117
Hsüan Tʽung, deposed, 134; allowance of four million taels, 134
Hung Hsiu-chʽüan, 81
Hung League, 65
Huns, 11

Ili, 55
Immorality of foreigners, 108
Intermarriage prohibited, 37; proposed between Manchus and Chinese, 117
Iquon, 34

Japan, 8; and Korea, 110; war with China, 110
Japanese, 104
Jehangir, 69
Jehol, 58; Emperor flees to, 96, 115
Jesuits, 45, 52; make maps, 56

Kʽai-fêng, 2; siege of, 22
Kalmucks, 43; the trek of the, 56
Kʽang Hsi, 40; leads army, 43; as traveller, 46; and literature, 49; family troubles of, 50; death of, 51
Kʽang Yu-wei, 113
Kashgaria, 56, 69; Ameer of, 100
Khalkas, 43
Khokand, 43
Kiaochow, seized by Germany, 111
Kien Long, 54
Kin dynasty, 4
Kirin, 8
Kitans, 1
Koffler, A., S.J., 32
Kokonor, rebellion in, 53
Korea, 3; conquest of, 19; and Japan, 110