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Stanton, Sir George, 67
Su-shên tribe, the, 1
Succession violated, rule of, 106
Suleiman, sultan, 103
Summer palace, 67; burnt, 96; built on plan of Trianon, 97
Sun Yat-sen, 123; kidnapped in London, 123; enters Nanking, 129; elected first President, 129; manifesto by, 129; visits tomb of first Ming Emperor, 134; announces fall of Manchus, 135
Sungari, river, 3
Sungaria, 43
Sungs, dynasty of, 2; Southern, 6
Syriac, 11

Tʽai-pʽings, the dynasty, 83; manifesto, 83; successes, 84; advance on Peking, 85; slaughter of princes, 90; last prince and king murdered, 91; end of rebellion, 91
Tʽai-shan, ascent of by Kʽang Hsi, 46
Tʽai Tsu, 18
Tʽai Tsung, 20
Taku, forts taken, 94; repulse at, 95; captured, 95
Ta-li, 103; treacherously surrendered, 104
Tan-lo, 8
Tao Kuang, 69; death of, 80
Tartar general, 36
Tashilumbo, 58
Tatnell, Commander, 95
Tea, 39; mentioned by Pepys, 39; export from Foochow, 39
Tibet, 43, 56, 58
Tientsin, reached, 76; Treaty of, 94; ratification refused, 94; ratified, 97; massacre, 102
Timour, 57
Tobacco prohibited, 20
Tongking and France, 109
Torture of prisoners, 96
Trade, European, 71
Treaty with Russia, 42
Triad Society, 65
Trimetrical Classic, 86
Tsai Tsê's mission, Duke, 119
Tsêng Kuo-fan, 86
Tsêng, the Marquis, 101
Tsitsihar, 8
Tso Tsung-tʽang, 89; his campaign in Central Asia, 101
Tu Wên-hsiu, 103; death of, 104
Tʽung Chih, 98; married, 103; died, 106
Turguts, 56
Turkestan, 43, 57
Twist Rebels, 99
Types, movable, 50

Unicorn appears, 15
University for Peking, 112

Verbiest, 44
Viceroy, the, 36

Ward, and his troops, 89; death of and shrine to, 89
Wei Chung-hsien, 14
Wei-hai-wei, captured by Japanese, 110; "leased" to England, 111
Western Empress, 98
White Feather Society, 64
White Lily Society, 61
Wo-jen, his wish, 123