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The Chinese Language spoken at Fuh Chau.


N. B. In the following list Süò⁸, the adjective one, is frequently translated by the indefinite article to which it is often equivalent.

一件衣裳 Süò⁸iong⁷ I-siong⁵, One piece of clothing.

一件馬褂 Süò⁸iong⁷ Ma²-kua³, A short riding coat.

一件物 Süò⁸iong⁷ Nò⁴, One single thing.

一件袍 Süò⁸iong⁷ Pò⁵, A long robe open in front and behind.

一件背夾 Süò⁸iong⁷ Poe³-tah⁴, One waistcoat.

一件事 Süò⁸iong⁷ Tai³-kie⁸, One piece of business.

一件長褂 Süò⁸iong⁷ Tong⁵-kua³, A long robe (buttoning in front.)

一件長衫 Süò⁸iong⁷ Tong⁵-sang, A robe or gown buttoning at the right side.

一件短𬡨 Süò⁸ iong⁷ Toi²-long², A short under garment, a shirt.

一位 Oi⁷, A seat or throne (Used of men and gods.)

一位儂客 Süò⁸ oi⁷ Nëng⁵-k‘a⁴, A visitor, a g^est

一行風 Süò⁸ ong Hung, A gale of wind.

一畫字 Süò⁸ ua⁸ Che⁷, One stroke of writing.

一員官 Süò⁸ uong⁵ Kuang, One officer.

一圓麵餑 Süò⁸ uong⁵ Mieng⁷-p‘uoh⁸, A roll of bread or cake (made of wheat flour.

一𩃹雨 Süò⁸ ch‘ah⁴ ܲ, A shower of rain,

一節竹 Süò⁸ chieh⁴ Tëüh⁴, One joint of bamboo.

一節書 Süò⁸ chieh⁴ Chü, One verse of a book.

一盞燈 Süò⁸ chang² Ting, One cup lamp.

一盞燈籠 Süò chang⁵ Ting-lëng², One lantern.

一盞酒 Süò⁸ chang² Chiu², One cup of whiskey.

一層樓 Süò⁸ cheng⁵ Lau⁵, An upper story.

一層樓梯 Süò⁸ cheng⁵ Lau⁵-t‘ai, A ladder.

一層階座 Süò⁸ cheng⁵ Kie-chò³, A flight of stairs.