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The Chinese Language spoken at Fuh Chau.

一疋紬 Süò⁸ p‘eh⁴ Tiu⁵, A piece of common silk.

一疋洋布 Süò⁸ p‘eh⁴ Iong⁵-può³, A piece of foreign cotton cloth.

一疋尼 Süò⁸ p‘eh⁴ Ni⁵, A piece of fulled cloth, dressed cloth.

一疋大尼 Süò⁸ p‘eh⁴ Tuai⁷ ni⁵, A piece of broadcloth.

一疋粗呢 Süò⁸ p‘eh⁴ Pi⁵-chie², A piece of Spanish stripe (baize).

一疋洋夏 Süò⁸ p‘eh⁴ Iong⁵-chè, A piece of foreign lawn.

一疋文洋布 Süò⁸ p‘eh⁴ Sia-hong⁵ iong⁵ può³, A piece foreign drilling.

一疋斜文絨 Süò⁸ p‘eh⁴ Sia-hong⁵ üng⁵, A piece of cotton flannel.

一疋線綢 Süò⁸ p‘eh⁴ Siang-chaiu³, A piece of silk camlet.

一匹馬 Süò⁸ p‘eh⁴ Ma², A horse (one of a span).

一枰棋 Süò⁸ puang⁵ Ki⁵, A set of chess, a game of chess (?)

一朵花 Süò⁸ può³ Hua, A single flower, one blossom.

一部書 Süò⁸ p‘uo⁷ Chü, A set of books, or several volnmes composing a single work.

一雙鞋 Süò⁸ sëng È⁵, A pair of shoes, one put on of shoes.

一雙襪 Süò⁸ sëng Uah⁸, A pair of stockings.

一雙靴 Süò⁸ sëng K‘uò, One pair of boots.

一身神 Süò⁸ sing Sing⁵, An idol god.

一身菩薩 Süò⁸ sing Pu⁵-sah⁴, One (Budhist) idol.

一身古董 Süò⁸ sing Ku²-tung², An ancient image not worshipped, a statue (?)

一身人仔 Süò⁸ sing Nëng⁵-kiang², A statue, a likeness,

一身玩物 Süò⁸ sing Nguang⁷-uh⁸, A fancy image, a doll.

一身佛 Süò⁸ sing Huh⁸, An image of Buddha.

一身魔鬼 Süò⁸ sing Mò⁵-kui², One devil.

一首詩 Süò⁸ siu² Si, A piece of poetry.

一株樹 Süò⁸ tau Ch‘eu³, One root tree, one tree.

一株花 Süò⁸ tau Hua, One root of flowers.

一頭頭牲 Süò⁸ t‘au⁵ Tan⁵-sang, An animal, a wild animal.

一担 Süò⁸ tang³, A Coolie load, a hundred weight.