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Odell and Porter had barely time to conceal themselves behind the pickle-tubs which Miller had mentioned when the shade was pulled up, the window opened, and the sleek head of Farley Drew appeared cautiously reconnoitering.

"Nobody here." The head withdrew and the window slammed. Odell reached his point of vantage once more in time to see Sims reënter, closing the connecting door carefully behind him.

"It's the bull who came to your rooms an hour or so ago looking for you." The valet's tone was high and quavering, and his face expressed abject fright. "He couldn't have followed me here, for I made sure that no one was behind me when I ducked into the alley. I tell you they're on to us and the game is up!"

"Are we doing any harm? Is there anything incriminating about this room or our presence here?" demanded Drew, his tones carrying distinctly at last to the listeners outside. "The alley is clear and we have only to walk out that way and leave that flatfoot to cool his heels on the pavement till morning. Go back to my rooms and stay there until you hear from me, Sims; and stick to the same story you told to-night if you are interrogated again. As for you, Gene—"

His voice sank once more to a scarcely audible murmur, and Odell whispered hurriedly to Porter:

"Shadow Gene. Don't leave him out of your sight for a minute. I'll take Drew on; Sims is going back to the Bellemonde Annex."

"How about Miller?" asked Porter.

"No chance to warn him now unless your man or