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times in their own liquor; strain the liquor and put them into a skillet, when it boils put in your oysters, with half an ounce of white pepper, and five or six blades of mace: Let them boil a quarter of hour longer; then take them out of the liquor, and cover them close, while the spice and liquor boil a quarter of an hour longer: then pour it on the oysters and always keep them as much from the air as you can to keep their colour

An Apple Pudding to bake, very good.

Take twelve fair large pippins, coddle them over the fire very slowly, that they do not crack: when they are soft, peel and core them, and pulp them thro' a cullender; add to this three spoonfuls of orange-flower-water, ten eggs well beat and strained, half a pound of very good butter melted; make it very sweet, the apples require it: add candy'd orange, lemon, or citron peel; put a sheet of puff paste into a dish, and pour in your pudding; bake it with care. 'Tis done in half an hour.

A Rice Pudding.

Grind or beat half a pound of rice to flour, mix it, by degrees, with three pints of milk, and thicken it over the fire with care, for fear of burning, till it is like a hasty pudding, when it is so thick, pour it out, and let it stand to cool; put to it nine eggs, (but half the white) three or four spoonfuls of orange-flower-water; melt almost a pound of good butter, and sweeten it to your taste. Add sweetmeats, if you please.

Custards, very good.

Boil a quart of cream, then sweeten it with fine powder'd sugar, beat eight or nine yolks of eggs, with two spoonfuls of orange-flower-water; stir this in the cream, and drain all thro’ a sieve: Fill their cups and crust, and bake them with care.

A good Cheese-cake with Curd.

To a pound and half of cheese-curd put ten ounces
