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Conſider the greateſt ſins may be hid under the greateſt duties. See the wound that ſin hath made in thy ſoul, be perfectly cured by the blood of Chriſt; not ſkinned over with duties, humblings, enlargements. Apply what thou wilt beſides the beſides of Chriſt, it will poiſon the ſore. Thou wilt find that ſin was never mortified truly; nothing can kill it but the beholding Chriſt's righteouſneſs.

Nature can afford no balſam fit for the cure of a ſoul. Healing from duty and not from Chriſt, is the moſt deſperate diſeaſe. Poor ragged nature, with all its higheſt improvements, can never ſpin a garment fine enough to cover the ſoul's nakedneſs. Nothing is fit for that uſe but Chriſt's perfect righteouſneſs.

Whatever is of nature's putting on, Satan will come and plunder it, and leave the ſoul naked and upon to the wrath of God. All that nature can do will never make up the leaſt dram of grace that can mortify ſin, or look Chriſt in the face one day.

Tho art a profeſſor, and goeſt on hearing, praying, and receiving, yet miſerable mayeſt thou be. Look about thee; didſt thou ever ſee Chriſt to this day in diſtinction from all other excellencies and righteouſneſs in the world, and all of them falling before the majeſty of his love and grace?

If thou haſt ſeen Chriſt truly, thou haſt ſeen pure grace, pure righteouſneſs, far exceeding all ſin and miſery. If thou haſt ſeen Chriſt, thou wouldſt not do a duty without him for ten thouſand worlds. If ever thou ſaw Chriſt, thou ſaweſt him a Rock higher than Satan or ſin; and this rock doth follow thee, and there will be a continual dropping of honey and grace out of that rock to ſatisfy thee. Examine if ever thou haſt beheld Chriſt as the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truh. Be ſure if thou art come to Chriſt, that thou ſtandeſt upon the Rock of ages, haſt anſwered his call - to thy ſoul, haſt cloſed with him for justification.