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to make a world. All the power in nature cannot get up ſo high, in a ſtorm of ſin and guilt, as really to believe there is any willingneſs in Chriſt to ſave. When ſin chargeth ſin upon the conſcience, then charge it upon Chriſt, that is goſpel-like; that is to make him Chriſt, he ſerves for that purpoſe.—To accept his blood and righteouſneſs alone for ſalvation, that is the whole ſum of the goſpel. When the ſoul in all duties and diſtreſſes, can ſay nothing but Chriſt for juſtification, ſancitification, and redemption; not duties, not humblings, not graces, that ſoul hath got above the reach of the billows.

All Satan's advantages are laid in ſelfrighteouſneſs: God purſueth this by ſetting Satan upon thee; this muſt be torn from thee, this alone hinders Chriſt from coming in, and till Chriſt come in guilt will not go out; and where guilt is there is hardneſs of heart.

When guilt is raiſed up, take heed of getting it allayed any way but by Chriſt's blood. Make Chriſt thy peace, not thy duties, thy tears, Chriſt thy righteouſneſs, not thy graces; look at Chriſt, and do as much as thou wilt. Stand with all thy weight upon Chriſt's righteouſneſs, take heed of having one foot on thy own righteouſneſs, another on Chriſt's. Till Chriſt come and ſit on high upon a throne of grace in the conſcience, there is nothing but guilt and terror, the ſoul hanging between hope and deſpair which is an ungoſpel ſtate.

He that fears to ſee the utmoſt hell of his own heart, ſuſpects the merits of Chriſt; Be thou ever ſuch a great ſinner try Chriſt to make him thy advocate, and wilt find him Jeſus Chriſt the righteons. In all doubtings, fears, ſtorms of conſcience, look at Chriſt continually. Do not argue with Satan, he deſires no better, bid him go to Chriſt and he will anſwer him; it is his office to be our advocate, his office to anſwer the law as our ſurety, his office to anſwer juſtice as our Mediator, he is ſworn to that office; put Chrift