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His blood ſpeaks reconciliation, redemption, remiſſion, and nighneſs to God. Not a drop of his blood ſhall be loſt. Stand and hearken what God will ſay, for he will ſpeak peace to his people, that they return not to their folly. He ſpeaks grace, mercy, and peace; that is the language of the Father and of Chriſt. Wait for Chriſt appearing as the morning ſtar; he ſhall come as certainly as the morning, as refreſhing as the rain.

The ſun may as well be hindered from riſing as Chriſt the ſun of righteouſneſs. Look not a moment off Chriſt; look not upon ſin but look upon Chriſt alſo. In every duty look upon Chriſt, before duty to pardon, in duty to aſſiſt, after duty to accept, Without this it is but carnal and careleſs duty. Do not legalize the goſpel, as if part did remain for thee only to do, and Chriſt but an half Mediator. Let ſin break thy heart, but not thy hope in the goſpel.

In the higheſt commands, conſider Chriſt not as an exactor to require, but as an undertaker to work. If thou haſt looked at duties and qualifications more than at the merits of Chriſt, it will coſt thee dear. No wonder thou goeſt complaining, graces may be evidences, but the merits of Chriſt alone muſt be the foundation of thy hope.

When come to God, we muſt bring nothing but Chriſt with us. Any ingredients or any previous qualifications of our own, will poiſon faith. He that builds on duties or graces knows not the merits of Chriſt: This makes believing ſo far above nature. If thou believeſt, thou muſt every day renounce thy obedience, thy ſanctification, thy duties, thy graces, thy tears, thy meltings, thy humblings, and nothing but Chriſt muſt be held up; thou muſt take all out of God's hand. Chriſt is the gift of God; faith is the gift of God. Pardon a free gift. Ah! how nature ſtorms, frets, rageth at this, that all of gift, and it can purchaſe nothing with its tears and duties, and