Page:Choice drop of honey from the rock Christ, or, A short word of advice to all saints and sinners (1).pdf/24

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race; looking much after duty, obedience, but little after Chriſt, little verſed in grace. Prepare for the croſs; welcome it, bear it triumphantly, like Chriſt’s croſs, whether ſcoffs, mockings, jeers, contempt and impriſonments, &c. but ſee it to be Chriſt’s croſs, not thine own.

Thou haſt ſeen Chriſt all, and thyſelf abſolutely nothing, who makeſt Chriſt all thy life and are dead to all righteouſneſs beſides? Thou art the Chriſtian, one highly beloved, and who hath found favour with God, a favourite of heaven. Do Chriſt thiſ one favour for all his love to thee, Love all his poor ſaints and churches, the meaneſt, the weakeſt, notwithſtanding any difference in judgement; they are engraven on his heart, as the names of the children of Iſrael on Aron’s breast-plate, Exod. xxviii. 21. let them be ſo on thine. “Pray for the peace of Jeruſalem, they ſhall proſper that love thee,” Pſal. exxii. 6.


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Falkirk. T. Johnston Printer.