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will I accept; leſt I deal with you after your folly in that ye have not ſpoken of me the thing that is right, like my ſervant Job.'—— See here, an offence i a bar and an obſtruction to acceptance with God but by a mediator, but by an interceſſor. He that comes to God by himſelf, God will anſwer him by himſelf; that is, without an interceſſor: And I will tell you ſuch are not like to get any pleaſant or comfortable anſwer: "I will anſwer him that ſo cometh, according to the multitude of his idolsː And I will ſet my face againſt that man, and will make him a ſign and a proverb; and I will cut him off from the midſt of my people: And ye ſhall know that I am the Lord.

He that intercedes for another with a holy and juſt God, had need to be clean himſelf, leſt he, with whom he ſo buſieth himſelf. ſay to him Firſt clear thyſelf. and then come and ſpeak for thy friend. Wherefore this is the very deſcription of this our High Prieſt and bleſſed Interceſſor: "For ſuch an High Prieſt became us who is holy harmleſs undefiled, ſeparare from ſinners and made higher than the heavens; who needeth not daily, as thoſe high-prieſts. to offer up ſacrifices, firſt for his own ſins,' &c. Had we not had ſuch an Interceſſor, we had been in a very poor caſe; but we have one that becomes us, one that fits us to the purpose one againſt whom our God hath nothing can object nothing; one in whoſe mouth no guile could be found.

4thly. Since Chriſt is an Interceſſor, I infer, that he has where withal in readineſs to anſwer to any demands that may be pronounced by
