Page:Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje - The Achehnese - tr. Arthur Warren Swete O'Sullivan (1906).djvu/348

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Bramòë-leaves form his food.

Come nearer, Teukus, up to the stairs of the house,

Wash your feet and step into the front verandah.

B. A langsat-tree on a grave,

They cut it down and fashion it into supports for a fly-wheel.

Teuku, wait for a moment,

Allow me to consult with my comrades.

A. In the inner room is a bag for glutinous rice,

In the central passage an earthenware jar for sugar.

Rest, o Teuku, be it but for a moment;

Should it be longer, it will give me pleasure (lit. "on my head").

B. A braleuën-tree in the midst of the front enclosure,

It casts its shadow even on to the seat above the stairs.

We come here but once in a long time, only one single time[1],

Let us be received in the front courtyard, that sufficeth.

A. A scare to frighten squirrels in the garden of Lubōʾ,

Men tap the arèn-palm and take the sap.

You have come hither from (name of the guests' gampōng)

It is now but a small distance from where you are to the sitting-mat.

B. On the Padang[2] grows keutumbét (a plant used as a vegetable),

Sirahét-fruits tied up in the corner of the garment.

Once in a long time, barely one single time,

So far (as to where we now stand) is enough, this sufficeth.

A. In the field of Tamaʾ is petroleum,

In Panté Teungòh ("Middle Bank") is perfumed oil.

Stand no longer on the ground, Teuku,

Ascend into the house and sit upon the sitting mat.

B. Let us go the sea-shore to catch the cuttle-fish,

Let us bring it home and salt it.

For this evening let us even remain on the ground,

Later on we can take our places on the sitting-mat.

A. A maja-tree in the midst of the garden,

Thereon may we hang the sirih-bags of the guests who arrive.

You have just come from yonder, from afar,

Step forward now to the sitting-mat.

  1. We who are not familiar acquaintances have no claim to be received within the house.
  2. Close to the Meuseugit Raya.