Page:Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje - The Achehnese Vol II. - tr. Arthur Warren Swete O'Sullivan (1906).djvu/235

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(such as Hu i. e. He) used to designate Allah, senseless sounds are introduced which bear scarcely any resemblance to their originals. The votaries first sit in a half-kneeling posture, which they subsequently change for a standing one; they twist their bodies into all kinds of contortions, shaking their heads too and fro till they become giddy, and shouting a medley of such sounds as Allahu éhé lahu sihihihihi etc. This goes on till their bodies become bathed with perspiration, and they often attain to a state of unnatural excitement, which is by no means diminished by the custom observed in some places of extinguishing the lights.

Nasīb.The different divisions of these most exhausting performances are separated from one another by intervals during which one of those present recites what is called a nasib. The proper meaning of this Arabic word is "love-poem". In the mystic teaching it is customary to represent the fellowship of the faithful with the Creator through the image of earthly love; these poems are composed in this spirit which combine the sexual with the mystic, or else love-poems are employed the original intention of which is purely worldly but which are adopted in a mystic sense and recited without any modification.

The nasib in Indonesia has wandered still further from its original prototype than is the case in Arabia. In place of Arabic verses we find here pantuns in Malay or other native languages, tales or dialogues in prose or verse, which have little or nothing to do with religion. Such a piece is recited by one or two of those present in succession, and the rest join in with a refrain or vary the performance by yelling in chorus the meaningless sounds above referred to.

Hikayat Sammān.Histories of the life and doings of the saint Sammān are also very popular in the Archipelago. These tales are composed in Arabic, Malay and other native languages and contain an account of all the wonders that he wrought, and the virtues by which he was distinguished. They are generally known as Hikāyat or Manāqib Sammān ("Story" or "Excellences" of Sammān). They are valued not merely for their contents; their recitation in regarded as a meritorious task both for reader and listeners, and vows are often made in cases of sickness or mishap, to have the hikayat Sammān recited if the peril should be averted. The idea is that the saint whose story is the object of the vow, will through his intercession bring about the desired end[1].

  1. A number of other sacred tales are employed in the same way in the Archipelago