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more mercies than you are worthy of, more than you improve or guide well, more than you are ſuitably thankful for, and far more mercies than many others get, who are better, and more ſerviceable to God than you: Reckon it a great mercy that you are out of hell, and that you have the opportunity of the precious goſpel of Chriſt: notice and record all the mercies of God; and ſometimes take a while on ſet purpoſe, to thank and praiſe God for them. Pſal. ciii. to the end.

Exh. 31. Specially remark and treaſure up ſpiritual experiences; ſuch as the anſwer of prayer, victory over temptations, the ſenſible preſence of God in ordinances and duties, &c. never deny, hide, or ſmother Chriſt's kindneſs, this is baſtard humility, and true ingratitude. Pſ. xlii. 6, 8. Pſ. lxvi. 16, 17, 20.

Exh. 32. Be charitable to the poor, as far as you are able; if you cannot help them with your purſe, help them with your prayers and ſympathy, and ſuch offices of kindneſs and humility, as may make the miſerable to bleſs you. Prov. xxii. 9. xix. 17. Job xiii. 29.

Exh. 33. Study more to be well grounded in the fundamental