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wrath to purſue you, both in this world, and that which is to come: and neither can you relieve yourſelves out of this dangerous condition. Pſal. li. 4, 5. Rom. v. 8, 19. Gal. iii. 10.

Exh. 3. Flee ſpeedily to Chriſt Jeſus the only Son of God, and the only Saviour of ſinners; renouncing your own righteouſneſs, by true faith reſt and rely upon his merits, and imputed righteouſneſs, firmly expecting to be juſtified, pardoned, and ſaved thereby. Rom. v. 22, 24, 25. Rom. x. 4, 5.

Exh. 4. Reflect ſeriouſly on your baptiſmal vows and covenant, whereby ye are faſt bound to be the Lord's; and to renounce, and reſiſt the devil, the world, and the fleſh, as the great enemies of your peace and ſalvation, and make conſcience of keeping your ſolemn engagements, as ye deſire and hope to partake of Chriſt and his benefits: Alſo, ſet apart ſome ſhare of time, on purpoſe to renew your baptiſmal covenant in your own perſons, expreſsly accepting Chriſt Jeſus for your Prophet, Prieſt, and King; for your portion, guide, guard, and all in all, and devoting yourſelves to him, to be his ſubjects and ſervants as long as ye