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contain the infinite, that unlimited Mind cannot start from a limited body. The infinite can neither go forth from, return to, nor remain for a moment within limits. We must give freer breath to thought before calculating the results of an infinite Principle, — the effects of infinite Love, the compass of infinite Life, the power of infinite Truth. Clothing Deity with personality, we limit theaction of God to the finite senses. We pray for God toremember us, even as we ask a person with softening of the brain not to forget his daily cares. We ask infinite wisdom to possess our finite sense, and forgive what He knows deserves to be punished, and to bless what is unfit to be blessed. We expect infinite Love to drop divinity long enough to hate. We expect infinite Truth to mix with error, and become finite for a season; and, after infinite Spirit is forced in and out of matter for an indefinite period, to show itself infinite again. We expect infinite Life to become finite, and have an end; but, after a temporary lapse, to begin anew as infinite Life, without beginning and without end.

Friends, can we ever arrive at a proper conception of the divine character, and gain a right idea of the Principle of all that is right, with such self-evident contradictions? God must be our model, or we have none; and if this model is one thing at one time, and the opposite of it at another, can we rely on our model? Or, having faith in it, how can we demonstrate a changing Principle? We cannot: we shall be consistent with our inconsistent statement