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Christian Science repudiates the evidences of the senses and rests upon the supremacy of God. Christian healing, established upon this Principle, vindicates the omnipotence of the Supreme Being by employing no other remedy than Truth, Life, and Love, understood, to heal all ills that flesh is heir to. It places no faith in hygiene or drugs; it reposes all faith in mind, in spiritual power divinely directed. By rightly understanding the power of mind over matter, it enables mind to govern matter, as it rises to that supreme sense that shall “take up serpents” unharmed, and “if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them.” Christian Science explains to any one's perfect satisfaction the so-called miracles recorded in the Bible. Ah! why should man deny all might to the divine Mind, and claim another mind perpetually at war with this Mind, when at the same time he calls God almighty and admits in statement what he denies in proof? You pray for God to heal you, but should you expect this when you are acting oppositely to your prayer, trying everything else besides God, and believe that sickness is something He cannot reach, but medicine can? as if drugs were superior to Deity.

The Scripture says, “Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss;” and is it not asking amiss to pray for a proof of divine power, that you have little or no faith in because you do not understand God, the Principle of this proof? Prayer will be inaudible, and works more than words, as we understand God better. The Lord's