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VOL. 4.
NO. 3.


Attentive Reader,—Will you consent to forget your former impressions, and stifle your prejudices, while we examine, by the light of Revelation, a theme most dear to the interest of Messiah's kingdom?

At no period in the world's history, has a discussion of war been more imperiously demanded, than at the present. Nations and individuals still settle their difficulties by mortal combat,—not questioning, at all, the divine right of slaying their fellows.

These allusions are not intended alone for savages, or infidels, but for the civilized nations of the earth, and for such professed christians as feel authorized of God and their country, to take the life of their brother man.

We are aware that there are but few persons prepared to examine this matter; and, consequently, we give our views with considerable hesitation. The subject, at present, we expect not to debate to any considerable extent; but we wish to place it in some appreciable form, and give such authority for our positions, as we believe will be convincing to those who are able to hear.

1st. War,—is defined by Mr. Webster, to be—"A contest between nations, or states, carried on by force; either for defence, or revenging insults, and redressing wrongs,—for the extension of commerce, or acquisition of territory; or for obtaining and establishing the dominion of one over the other. These objects are accomplished by the slaughter and capture of troops, and the capture of ships, towns, and property."

The reader will observe that, war is not the punishment inflicted by a state upon a subject, or the chastisement of a parent upon a child; but it involves states and nations, with their sovereigns. Civil wars are such as are prosecuted between the subjects of the same state, for the purpose of settling controversies.

Writers speak of—"Just wars," "offensive," and "defensive