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well, which are much appreciated. They were sent on to me here from Bagdad and arrived in perfect condition.”

From London General Hospital, England:

“The soldier's edition of Science and Health came on the 21st and found me in the above-mentioned hospital. . . . The medical men and nurses regularly remark upon the wonderful progress I have made, which I personally attribute more than anything else to my slight knowledge of Science. I am very grateful for the book you sent; it has spoiled all the other so-called literature already.”

From Salonica, Greece, a soldier writes:

“I beg to acknowledge with grateful thanks safe receipt of your letter together with vest-pocket edition of Science and Health, Quarterly and Song Book, all of which I am glad to have.”

A former theological student in 71st Field Artillery, U. S. A., writes:

“I also wish to attempt to express my appreciation for your kindness in sending the longed-for book, but cannot find words to tell you how thankful I feel.”

Writing from Egypt a soldier says:

“I was most grateful last night to receive two copies of the vest-pocket edition of Science and Health and two Quarterlies. One I shall forward to my friend who is now out of the hospital but has not yet come up the line. I may say it is the first gift or parcel I have received at the front and one who is a Christian Scientist could not receive a more welcome package.”

A private with the American Expeditionary Forces in France writes:

“I received some few weeks past, the welcome textbook, which has since been a constant and most helpful companion.