Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/168

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Science periodicals were placed in the reading and recreation rooms of such organizations as the Y. M. C. A., Red Cross, Jewish Welfare Board, Salvation Army, etc. Possibly some statistics showing approximately the amount of Monitor distribution made by this Committee, will prove of interest at this point. In France and England the Monitor was sent out in much the same way as in the United States, through Workers and War Relief Depots, although necessarily many men had to be reached individually.

The following figures are for September, October and November, 1918, the three most active months of the Committee's existence:

September, 1918
England 159,255
France 45,689
United States and Canada 936,840
United States, Canada and Europe, total  1,141,784
October, 1918
England 128,316
France 65,250
United States and Canada 1,088,541
United States, Canada and Europe, total 1,282,107
November, 1918
England 113,876
France 67,855
United States and Canada 864,008
United States, Canada and Europe, total 1,045,739

For those who receive their copies of the Monitor regularly, it is difficult to realize the joy and enthusiasm which a single copy of our newspaper