Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/243

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“The welfare and relief work of the Christian Science people here in Le Mans has been done without display or circus advertising. They have been handicapped in that they were not in the same status as the other organizations. Having done their work quietly and served their purpose well, without ostentation, many of the men who have been stationed in Le Mans, and others who have passed through here, will long remember the unique place which the organization played in the welfare of the soldier of the United States in France.

Thus in their frank way do the boys sum up the work of the War Relief Depot established in Le Mans.

The original house referred to in this article was situated at 13 rue Saint Dominique in the center of the business section of the city and on a main traveled street. It contained nine rooms, including a large salon used to receive visitors and for Sunday services. Adjoining this was the Reading Room, opening into two smaller rooms, an office and a mailing room respectively. There were also living quarters for the Workers and two additional bedrooms. These last-mentioned chambers served an unusual purpose. Our Workers found that many army officers, particularly chaplains (whose headquarters were in Le Mans while awaiting assignment) were unable to obtain sleeping accommodations and were often forced to spend the night on the streets. Our rooms, which could accommodate five men, were placed at the disposal of such officers, and during one month some thirty-four chaplains were sheltered in the War Relief house. This was with mutual benefit to both host and guests, and several men became sufficiently interested in Christian Science to request a copy of the textbook before departing for their post of duty.