Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/392

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$627,000, the major portion thereof being disbursed in the United States. This sum includes also the salaries paid to the Christian Science chaplains in the service,—which were additional to the amounts received by them from the United States Government,—as well as the cost of the general administration of the work as a whole.

Still another large appropriation was that of $111,000 to the Comforts Forwarding Committee (Christian Scientists), in Boston, whose efforts were directed primarily to the provision of clothing imperatively needed by refugees, especially women and children, and of knitted garments for the men in the military and naval service. Additional to this sum were the many contributions, totaling a substantial amount, made by Christian Scientists to the many Comforts Forwarding Committees elsewhere, for the carrying on of their work. Besides the total funds thus made available for this practical phase of War Relief, hundreds of Workers in the field gave their time freely and lovingly to this beneficent activity.

Including balance on hand June 2, 1919,—since which date no contributions have been accepted,—and proceeds from sale of equipment, there remains a balance of $242,000 in cash and bonds for continuing refugee and reconstruction work.

Christian Scientists may well rejoice in the genuine relief afforded, and the manifest healing of fear, limitation, and distress, both physical and mental, accomplished on every hand through the compassionate ministrations of Christian Science, in acknowledgment of which many voluntary testimonials have been received, a few being given in other chapters of this report.