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remember nothing more until the bugle sounded in the morning, waking me, and I was perfectly healed.

“A few weeks later I was called to my home in Canada, where my mother was passing out under medical treatment. My grief and the sense of separation, together with the hatred and resentment toward those I thought responsible, seemed almost too great for me to bear. Christian Science again met my need. It taught me to know and love my only Father-Mother God, as I never had before, and I realized that in knowing who is my mother and my father that I was healed of all that seemed so real. I shall never forget the beautiful way our Welfare Worker stood with me during this trial.

“It was my privilege to be one of the readers in the Christian Science meetings held in camp. This position awakened me to see what it is to be a real Christian Scientist, and I am rejoicing daily in increased understanding.

“Christian Science is such a simple, demonstrable, practical religion. As each day passes and I know more of God who is Love and of man's relation to Him, my gratitude increases. I realize, however, as our beloved Leader writes on page 3 of Science and Health: ‘Gratitude is much more than a verbal expression of thanks. Action expresses more gratitude than speech.’ My great desire is that I may so grow in the understanding of Christian Science that my life by my actions may prove true gratitude and that I may be found worthy of the name of a genuine Christian Scientist.

Ralph E. Carson,

“Detroit, Michigan.” 

“A new name for an ailment affects people like a Parisian name for a novel garment. Everyone hastens to get it,” says Mrs. Eddy on page 197 of Science and Health. Never was the truth of these words more conclusively proved than in the epidemic of fear, called Spanish Influenza, which raged through the