Page:Christian Science War Time Activities.djvu/433

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speedy recovery was even a greater mystery to the doctors and they were very slow to concede it. Here again Christian Science freed me, for I was finally passed by a board of doctors and given my discharge.

“It is with a heart full of gratitude to the Christian Science War Relief Worker, that I remember the journey he made from a distant city to come to me; and I am most grateful to the others who throughout my confinement in the hospitals have always been my kindest friends. When I seemed to be despondent, the War Relief Worker was there with his word of cheer and was ready with his car to take me to and from the services on Sundays and Wednesdays. For all these blessings I will ever give thanks to God, and be grateful for our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, who gave to the world this blessed truth through which I have been saved.

Sgt. Leo K. Brough,  

“E Co., 4th Engrs.” 

It is pleasing to be able to say a word also about the cordial cooperation and sincere appreciation our Workers received in almost every instance from the representatives of other welfare organizations.

Says a Y. M. C. A. Secretary at Hempstead, Long Island:

“Dear Sir: Just a few lines to speak of my appreciation of your work in the camps.

“I think from a disinterested standpoint, and yet from the standpoint of one who has felt the spirit of cooperation, that the work conducted by the Christian Science Camp Welfare League is to be commended in the highest terms.

“From my own observation I desire to say that I have seen no indication of any attempt at an introduction of sectarianism, but your work appears to be marked by a willingness to serve the boy in uniform, regardless of sect or creed.