Page:Christian Science versus Pantheism.djvu/34

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million of people are already interested in Christian Science; and this interest increases. Churches of this denomination are springing up in the above-named cities, and, thanks to God, the people most interested in this old-new theme of redeeming Love are among the best people on earth and in heaven.

The song of Christian Science is, “Work — work — work — watch and pray.” The close observer reports three types of human nature — the right thinker and worker, the idler, and the intermediate.

The right thinker works; he gives little time to society manners or matters, and benefits society by his example and usefulness. He takes no time for amusement, ease, frivolity; he earns his money and gives it wisely to the world.

The wicked idler earns little and is stingy; he has plenty of means, but he uses them evilly. Ask how he gets his money, and his satanic majesty is supposed to answer smilingly: “By cheating, lying, and crime; his dupes are his capital; his stock in trade, the wages of sin; your idlers are my busiest workers; they will leave a lucrative business to work for me.” Here we add: The doom of such workers will come, and it will be more sudden, severe, and lasting than the adversary can hope.

The intermediate worker works at times. He says: “It is my duty to take some time for myself; however, I believe in working when it is convenient.” Well, all that is good. But what of the fruits of your labors? And he answers: “I am not so successful as I could wish, but I work hard enough to be so.”