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know it were best not to do, and they comply with my counsel; but, watching them, I discern that this obedience is contrary to their inclination. Then I sometimes withdraw that advice and say: “You may do it if you desire.” But I say this not because it is the best thing to do, but because the student is not willing — therefore, not ready — to obey.

The secret of Christian Science in right thinking and acting is open to mankind, but few, comparatively, see it; or, seeing it, shut their eyes and wait for a more convenient season; or as of old cry out: “Why art thou come hither to torment me before the time?”

Strong desires bias human judgment and misguide action, else they uplift them. But the reformer continues his lightning, thunder, and sunshine till the mental atmosphere is clear. The reformer must be a hero at all points, and he must have conquered himself before he can conquer others. Sincerity is more successful than genius or talent.

The twentieth century in the ebb and flow of thought will challenge the thinkers, speakers, and workers to do their best. Whosoever attempts to ostracize Christian Science will signally fail; for no one can fight against God, and win.

My loyal students will tell you that for many years I have desired to step aside and to have some one take my place as leader of this mighty movement. Also that I strove earnestly to fit others for this great responsibility. But no one else has seemed equal to “bear the burden and heat of the day.”