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198 Peik " Whyv bless me, Peik ! Can you kili people and blow life into them again ? " said the king. " Well, yes, what would become of me if I couldn't ?" said Peik. "You see, I am so hasty, and I can't help killing every one who cOmes near me and annoys me." "I am also very hasty," said the king, "and I must have that horn ; Fil give you a hundred dollars for it, and 111 forgive you besides for doing me out of the horse and cheating me on that pot and block business, and all the rest." Peik could not very well spare the horn, but for his sake he should have it, and so the king got it, and set out home as fast as he could. He had no sooner come home before he must try the horn. He began quarrelling and scolding the queen and his eldest daughter, and they scolded him again, but before they knew a word about it he pulled out his knife and stabbed them both, so they fell down stone dead, and all who were in the room ran out ; they were so a fraid. The king walked up and down the floor for some time and kept on saying there was no danger so long as there was breath in his nostrils, and a great dcal more nonsense which had flowed out of Peik's mouth. He then took the horn and began blowing, but although he blew all he could that day and the day after as well, he could not blow life into the bodies ; they were dead, and dead they remained, both the queen and his daughter, and so he had to bury them, and to give a grand funeral in the bargain. When this was done the king set out to settle with Peik and to take his life, but Peik had everything prepared, for he knew the king was coming, and he said to his sister : "You must change clothes with me and be off! jfou may take all wc have with you." Yes, she changed clothes with him, packed up her things, and started off as fast as she could, while Peik sat all by himself in his sister's clothes. " Where is that Peik ? " said the king, as he came in a great rage through the door.