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Once upon a time there was a lad, who went along a road cracking nuts. He happened to find one which was worøi-eaten, and shortly afterwards he met the devil. "Is it true," said the lad,

  • what they say, that the devil can make himself as small as he

Ukes, and go through a pin-hole ? " " Yes, of course," answered the devil. « Well, let me see you do it ; creep into this nut if you can," said the lad. And the devil did it. But he had no sooner got through the worm-hole, than the lad put a small peg in the hole. " I have got you safe, now," he said, and put the nut in his pocket. When he had walked some distance he came to a smithy. He went in there and asked the smith if he would crack that nut for him.

    • Yes, thafs easily done," said the smith, and took the smallest